Unplanned college closure procedure

Please be aware that there are times when we may need to close the College with little notice; this particularly applies to heavy snow.

Closure of schools around us does not mean that we will be closed. Wherever possible we will keep the College open although in making a decision we are particularly mindful of:

  • the risk of travel for some students and staff.
  • the viability of staying open if only a low proportion of either students or staff can attend.

If any examinations are taking place then we will do our utmost to stay open to allow those who can travel in safely to take their exams.

In the event of closing we aim to make a decision before 8am, preferably by 7.30am, and will inform students by:

  • Texting student mobiles
  • Changing the website home page message

We cannot know the situation that all individuals may find themselves in. If there has been heavy snow, or the forecast gives a high risk of students being stuck later in the day, then the student and parents/carers need to make the decision as to whether it is safe to travel in to College.

Students who stay off College due to the weather need to please inform us by contacting Student Services on 01723 380700 and this will be treated as an authorised absence. Where possible, work will be set remotely by the teachers.
