Admissions Process

1. Explore subject options

A good starting point is to attend an open event. The whole college will be open to explore and to give you the opportunity to speak to teachers and staff. Our careers team will also be on hand to help you determine which courses suit you and your future plans.

The events are on:

  • Saturday 12th Oct (10:00 - 12:30)
  • Tuesday 12th November (18:00 - 20:30)
  • Thursday 6th March (17:00 - 18:30)


2. Apply online

To apply to college you will need to complete an online application form. We have a preferred deadline of 31st January 2025, however we still accept applications after this date.

With regards to course choices, you can mix and match nearly any combination of subjects. As a large college, we have more flexibility with our timetable and therefore you don’t need to worry about blocks and subjects clashing. On your application form you can choose whichever courses you would like.

Don’t worry if you change your mind about what you want to study. The subjects that you put on your initial application are simply a starting point. The entire admissions process is designed to help you explore your options and ensure that you have a study programme which suits you and fits well with your future career aims.



3. Attend an interview

All applicants will have an interview to discuss their course choices with a member of staff. You will be able to see your appointment details on the applicant portal and you will also receive a letter.

The interview takes around 15 minutes in total and is to discuss course choices, entry requirements and address any questions that you may have.

Topics that may be covered during the interview:

  • Predicted GCSE results and entry requirements
  • Qualifications you wish to study at S6F
  • Employment opportunities and further study that the course/s can lead to
  • Other options you could consider
  • Timetable commitments as a student at Scarborough Sixth Form College

Students should consider:

  • What skills, qualifications, strengths, interests etc. do you have in relation to the needs of the course?
  • What are your reasons for wanting to come to S6F?
  • The amount of work you will have to do, including coursework and exams


4. S6F Preview - Become an S6F student for the day

S6F Preview gives you the chance to experience college life and sample some subjects. It is a good opportunity to explore the college, meet the staff and make friends. The taster day for 2025 will be Tuesday 24th June.


5. Enrolment

All applicants will receive an invitation to enrolment during the 2025 summer holidays. Enrolment will be 26th - 28th August.

It is essential that all new students are in college for enrolment; please do not book holidays during this crucial period. Late enrolling students will have a limited course choice and there is clear evidence that new students who do not experience the enrolment process with their peers, find settling into college far more difficult.

If you are unable to attend enrolment, please let Admissions know on 01723 380722.


6. S6F Start

The first day of term will be Tuesday 2nd September

Students on computers in lesson
Students conducting chemistry experiment
Photo of Art students