Policies & Procedures
Scarborough Sixth Form College – Publication Scheme
In accordance with Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 public authorities must produce a Publication Scheme describing:
- The information they will publish
- The format in which the information will be published
- Whether or not the information is available free of charge
This Publication Scheme is not an exhaustive list of information held by the College. It describes the types of information that are routinely available, and how to access that information. College documents are available in different formats, such as in Braille, on request. Please clearly specify the format required when requesting information.
This Publication Scheme is available on the College website and in the College Reception. Where possible, direct links to the information scheme will be made available.
Material in this Publication Scheme may occasionally need to be amended. This may be for confidentiality reasons relating to potential invasion of privacy, commercial sensitivity, legal or medical professional privilege.
Data Protection
- Data Protection
- Privacy Policy - S6F Students and student applicants
- Privacy Policy - S6F Staff and staff applicants
Admissions and Exclusions
- S6F Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy & Procedure
- S6F Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedures
Learning Difficulties
Designated Safeguarding Officers
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Alice Thornton
Designated Safeguarding Deputy - Jo Davies
Named person for looked after children - Jo Davies
Sue Hawthornthwaite
Complaints Procedures & Guidelines for Parents and Students
Confidential Reporting
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy
SFA S6F Supply Chain Fees
S6F Subcontracting Policy