Equality & Diversity
This college aims to ensure that no student is unfairly treated on grounds such as gender, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or transgender status.
All staff and students are expected to treat one another with respect and consideration in all circumstances.
If you experience behaviour or language, which is inappropriate, you may approach any member of staff, or a Students Union officer, for advice and support. If you wish to pursue the matter formally through the complaints procedure this can be found below. If you wish to raise any matter without pursuing a formal complaint, then you, or someone on your behalf, should speak to Rowan Johnson (Vice Principal) who will deal with the matter confidentially. Copies of our Equal & Diversity policies and our Bullying & Harassment Policy, which are designed to ensure you are free to study without being subjected to discrimination or harassment, are available from Reception or can be downloaded below.
Statement of Equality
Scarborough Sixth Form College has a philosophy of treating individuals fairly and of mutual respect for all members of the college and will not tolerate discrimination on the grounds of gender, race/ethnicity, religious beliefs, language, disability, age, marital status or sexual orientation.
The College has a commitment to provide for the needs of all who study and work at the College in an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes the integration of all College members fully in the life of the College.